Wesley College Foundation
Contact: Jack Moshakis (OW1973)
Alternative Contact
Debra Stiebel
The Wesley College Foundation was established in 1978 to enlist the interest and financial support of members of the College community and friends of Wesley to preserve, improve and develop the standards, services and facilities of the College.
The Foundation has several tax-deductible funds to encourage donations for capital works and to increase the number of scholarships the College can offer. To view the full suite of giving opportunities, please visit:
Additionally, our Foundation’s Sapere Aude Bequest Society has grown into one of the largest such groups in Australia and will become an increasingly significant source of funds for the College. Many alumni choose to leave a bequest for Scholarships in their Will to enable more worthy students to attend the College. To read more or download our brochure, The Gift of a Wesley Education, please visit: